Latest news

Social landlord Wheatley Homes East has handed over 25 new homes to delighted tenants in the Rosewell community of Midlothian.

A previous ‘ghost town’ in West Lothian is coming back to life as more tenants move into their affordable homes.

Families across Edinburgh are enjoying a story with a happy ending after receiving free books throughout 2024.

Wheatley Group is to make an additional 1000 homes available to local authorities in Scotland to help tackle the homelessness crisis.

A community in Edinburgh is greener and cleaner thanks to the efforts of one of the city’s social landlords.

An Edinburgh tenant has thanked a specialist welfare benefits advice team for helping her get back on her feet.

Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group welcomed Housing Minister Paul McLennan to Edinburgh to meet the tenant who moved into the landmark home.

Older tenants are beings urged to apply for a benefit that could be worth almost £4000 per year.

Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group has been recognised for reducing carbon emissions and developing sustainable communities.

More than 17,000 tenants of Scotland’s largest social landlord received support through one of Scotland’s leading Foundations.

A West Calder kids’ club has been given a financial boost thanks to a £400 donation by one of Scotland’s biggest social landlords.

Wheatley Group has 50 education bursaries available for tenants and customers to go to university and college.

One of Edinburgh’s largest social landlords built almost 200 new affordable homes in the east in the last financial year.

Tenants of Scotland’s largest housing association are being helped to ‘Stay Safe’ in their homes.

Scotland’s largest social landlord invested £3.6 million improving homes in Edinburgh and West Lothian in the last financial year.

More than 1200 tonnes of bulk waste was collected and over 14,000 stairwells cleaned by a social landlord’s environmental team in the last 12 months.

Work is underway on the first new social rent affordable homes to be built within Blackford in over 60 years.

Scotland’s biggest social landlord has helped tenants save more than £122,000 on their energy bills over the last six months.

Work has started on an £18.9 million affordable housing development in East Lothian.

Over 2000 customers from across Wheatley Group communities have signed up to use their voice and help improve services with their social landlord.

Work on a new £4.8 million social housing development has started in Midlothian.

We take your complaints, comments and compliments very seriously and we always try to learn from them and your feedback.

More than 10,000 homeless people in Scotland will be provided with homes by 2026, figures from Wheatley Group have revealed.

A major development providing 57 homes for social rent in Penicuik has been completed, following a partnership between housebuilder Cala Homes (East) and Wheatley Group.

The importance of housing as a career is the focus for this year’s Scottish Housing Day which takes place today, Wednesday 13 September 2023.

Roslin residents are delighted after moving into a “stunning” new £11.3 million energy-efficient housing development.

One of the largest affordable new-build developments in Scotland has been given the seal of approval by Housing Minister Paul McLennan.

Customers of Wheatley Group have until 30 June to apply for an education bursary.

An education bursary scheme to help tenants living in some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities will reach a major milestone this year.

A service launched to improve the lives of older people across Scotland is celebrating its fifth anniversary.

A major new study into the effect of Universal Credit on social housing tenants has revealed the detrimental impact it is having on lives and how it is driving people into debt and poverty.

We’re launching our updated Housing Information Advice and Letting Policy Framework today.

Wheatley Homes East, in partnership with Friends of Thornybauk, has launched a bid to transform a tired community garden in the west of Edinburgh into a vibrant space where locals can connect.
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to claim your £400 energy bill voucher before time runs out.

Community Safety Minister Elena Whitham MSP has heard how Wheatley Group is supporting survivors of domestic abuse through an award-winning move-on service.

Wheatley Group has helped tenants across Scotland access almost £9 million in benefits and financial support.

A Wheatley Foundation programme to tackle unemployment in some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged areas has reached a major milestone – with its 3000th job and training opportunity created.

Cabinet Secretary for social justice, housing and local government, Shona Robison MSP, officially opened Wheatley Homes East latest development last week (January 11, 2023).
Due to the recent freezing weather, our Customer First Centre has received a high number of calls.

Wheatley Homes East customers in Edinburgh over the age of 70 will receive drop-in visits from their housing officer over the winter months

A landmark Wheatley development of 300 new homes is transforming a site in the west of Edinburgh.

LEADER of West Lothian Council Laurence Fitzpatrick saw for himself how Wheatley housing and care staff work together to support customers.

The Scottish Child Payment has increased – and has been extended to include all children under 16.
Wheatley Group has helped tenants claim back more than £5 million in benefits they were entitled to in the past six months.
Dunedin Canmore Housing has formally changed its name to Wheatley Homes East.

We have launched a customer consultation to gather your thoughts on how we allocate our homes and communicate with you.

Wheatley Group has today (20 June 2022) pledged to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion by offering 300 available homes to local authorities across Scotland.

Dunedin Canmore is encouraging tenants across Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife to contact their housing officer if they are worried about rising fuel bills.

Calling all families – helping us to help you. We’re looking to learn more about families who live in our communities ensure you are at the heart of developing our services to make them the best they can be.

An Edinburgh tenant has marked her 100th birthday with a surprise party at a retirement housing service.

A new benefit has been introduced by the Scottish Government to help parents of children with a disability or ill health.

A new benefit has been introduced by the Scottish Government to help parents of children with a disability or ill health.

Wheatley Group is urging customers worried about rising energy bills to get in touch.

Please remember we are here to support you and your family during these extraordinary times.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to operate in line with government guidance.

Dunedin Canmore tenant Suayip Yel was unhappy in his job in a restaurant, working long hours for low pay and with few prospects.

A neighbour in a kilt joined Dunedin Canmore staff in clearing away snow to make sure a tenant in Dunfermline could get her Covid jab.

Make sure you and your family keep safe at home this Christmas.

Sixteen of Scotland’s brightest and best university leavers have joined Wheatley Group’s Ignite graduate training programme.

A new safe and secure way of paying is helping tenants keep on top of their rent.

Tenants have praised the ‘brilliant support’ they have received from Wheatley Group’s housing officers in Edinburgh and the Lothians during the pandemic.

Are you worried or have questions about Coronavirus? Expert help and advice from health care professionals and the Government is available.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to operate a restricted range of services, in line with government guidance.

A Dunedin Canmore tenant was a key speaker at a national conference on housing.

Shannon Picken from Dunedin Canmore's Safe Homes Team explains what the next steps are if you are due to have your annual gas safety check.

If you’re on Universal Credit, and claiming housing costs to pay your rent, make sure you let the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) know of changes to your rent.

A star of Scotland’s favourite soap is helping launch a new campaign to encourage tenants to stay safe at home.

School leavers have the chance to become Modern Apprentices with Scotland’s largest housing, property and care organisation.

Saving money using MySavings is now even easier – thanks to a new smartphone app.

The winter issue of Connect – the magazine for Dunedin Canmore tenants – is out soon.

November is our Month of Engagement – and we want tenants to get involved.

We want you – yes YOU – to help improve your neighbourhood.

We want you – yes YOU – to help improve your neighbourhood.

The latest version of our tenant magazine is available now.

Want to find out more about what we’re doing? Want to have your say?

Your Connect magazine is out now

We're looking for nominations for Dunedin Canmore's Good Neighbour Award

Tenants have praised the makeover of an Edinburgh retirement block that has made the building a safer and brighter place to live.

MySavings will cost you less, every day.

Think you might be entitled to Pension Credit – the benefit that tops up your pension?

Work has started on two projects which will provide 60 new affordable homes in Edinburgh.

The winter issue of Connect is out now. Have you checked it out?

Homeless Natasha Robins was delighted when Dunedin Canmore gave her and her pet dog a roof over their heads.

Dunedin Canmore tenants got to hear more about us and have their say at our quarterly Customer Forum.

Young people from Dunedin Canmore communities are being given a chance to change their lives thanks to new environmental apprenticeships.

THE first phase of a major expansion of an East Lothian village has taken shape – and residents are delighted with their spacious new homes.

Want to find out more about what we’re doing?
Want to have your say?

Dunedin Canmore is celebrating success following Quality Scotland’s 2018 Awards.

We know there are lots of people living in our neighbourhoods who use their time to help others. From helping people with the garden or just popping to the shops for their messages or prescriptions, we hear great stories about our customers helping each other out all the time.

Sorry, but our online services – My DC – won’t be available on Saturday 30 June between 8am-7pm as we’re carrying out upgrades.

A major regeneration project in Edinburgh has taken another step forward with work starting on 70 new affordable homes.

Residents in a development of 130 new affordable homes in Castlemilk told Scotland’s Housing Minister today how their new houses had changed their lives.

Due to the major disruption caused by the bad weather our offices will be closed today (Friday). We’re very sorry for any inconvenience.

Due to the bad weather our offices will not be open today.

We are committed to great customer service and exceeding your expectations in everything we do. We aim to deliver excellent services – and we set targets to measure how we’re doing.

Housing Minister Kevin Stewart visited Dunedin Canmore's new homes in Muirhouse and dropped in on some new tenants to wish them Merry Christmas. Watch our video of the visit.

Thank you to everyone who responded to our consultation on how we let our homes.

Dunedin Canmore is all about creating ‘Better homes, better lives’ in Edinburgh.

The Autumn issue of Connect - the magazine for Dunedin Canmore tenants - is out now.

A new state-of-the-art digital learning centre providing free internet and computer access has opened at Slateford Green Community Centre, Edinburgh.

Dunedin Harbour Hostel has been awarded the highest grading of Excellent for the second year in a row following a recent unannounced inspection by the Care Inspectorate.

The new free phone number 0800 561 0088 means customers can enjoy free calls to their housing officer or our customer service advisors.

Young people from Dunedin Canmore communities are being given a chance to change their lives thanks to our new apprenticeships.

Wheatley Group is highlighting an issue that is more widespread than many people think – hoarding.

Work has started on 111 new affordable homes for rent as part of a major regeneration project in an Edinburgh community.

Are you aged 16-19? Have you recently left school or planning to leave this summer?

Wheatley Foundation has been awarded over £470,000 to invest in pioneering projects that will support veterans facing homelessness.

Dunedin Canmore, one of Scotland’s largest housing associations, has appointed Alan Glasgow as its new Housing Director.

Children from Tollcross primary school in Edinburgh are filling a time capsule with mementoes to mark a major restoration project at a pre-1919 tenement.

One of the most respected and well-known figures in Edinburgh housing, Ewan Fraser, has retired after 33 years in the sector.

Dunedin Canmore, one of Scotland’s largest housing associations, has appointed Hazel Young as its new Managing Director.

Wheatley Group is looking for 45 young people who like working outdoors to become its latest apprentices.

When Stephanie Tweed steps out this weekend to represent her country in the Homeless World Cup, it will mark an incredible step on her journey to recovery from drug addiction.

A US housing expert saw for himself how Dunedin Canmore is bringing a Victorian building in Edinburgh back to life as part of its drive to make homes warmer and more comfortable.

Dunedin Canmore project to tackle fuel poverty wins award.

Our EPIC changes are bringing a huge boost to customer services.

Dunedin Canmore pledges to help build 8,000 new homes for the capital.

Thousands of older tenants in some of Scotland's most deprived communities are receiving extra help from their housing association this Christmas.