
Councillor Matt Kerr believes that by working together we can challenge the stigma of poverty.

Wheatley’s ambitious programme of building thousands of affordable homes across Scotland goes hand in hand with our mission to create jobs and training opportunities for people living in our communities. By Martin Armstrong, Chief Executive of Wheatley Group.

As the Scottish Government publishes its latest figures on homelessness in Scotland, Catherine Wilkie says partnership working and a personalised approach to people’s needs, are the key to solving housing crisis.

I was born at the start of the swinging sixties, just after Prime Minister Harold McMillan declared "most of our people have never had it so good", writes Mary Mulligan who sits on the board of Dunedin Canmore, part of Wheatley Group.

Homelessness in Scotland recently hit the headlines, after Shelter Scotland called the number of people experiencing homelessness a “national badge of shame”, writes Catherine Wilkie, Wheatley Group’s Housing Advice and Letting leader.

Helping youngsters to achieve their potential despite their disadvantages is so rewarding, writes Sharon McIntyre

Regeneration means different things to different people. For some, it’s bringing swathes of neglected land back into use; for others, it’s building attractive buildings for people to live and work in.

We all worry about keeping our home warm as the mercury falls and temperatures plummet during the winter months.