My safety

We want to help you live safely in your home, community and online.

Check out our great tips below and find out how we're tackling anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhoods.

Fire safety

Keep your home safe and reduce the risk of fire breaking out.

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Gas safety

Do you smell gas? Here's what you need to do right away.

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Stay Safe campaign

We want to help you keep safe in and around your home.

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What you need to know about asbestos in your home – and DIY advice.

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Bogus callers and rogue traders

Tips to stop you becoming a victim of bogus callers and rogue traders.

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Online safety

Don't fall for computer scams and identification theft. Keep your personal details safe.

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Police and fire service

Our crime-busting partnership is keeping tenants safe and secure.

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Money lenders

We can help you avoid illegal money lenders and loan sharks.

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Get set for winter

Stay warm and cosy in your home during the cold weather.

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Smoke and heat alarms

The law around smoke and heat alarms is changing − and we all have our part to play.

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Stay safe - smoke alarm testing

Make sure your smoke alarms are working properly

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