Police and fire service
We all want to live in quiet, safe communities without any anti-social behaviour. That’s why we've joined forces with the police and fire services to help make this happen.
The Community Improvement Partnership (CIP) was the first of its type in the UK.
Set up in May 2012, a special team of police officers and a senior fire officer deal with crimes and fire risks in Wheatley Homes East areas. The CIP is on top of the day-to-day police and fire officers already working in communities.
What does the CIP do?
Housing officers and police officers share information to deal with issues such as anti-social behaviour, noisy parties and drug dealing.
Home fire safety visits also help tenants cut the risk of fire in their home.
Worried about anti-social behaviour in your area?
Report it straight away on My Wheatley Homes East.
Don't have an account yet? Sign up for My Wheatley Homes East. It's safe and secure, and it only takes a few minutes.
You can also report it to our Customer First Centre on 0800 561 0088.
How do I book a free home fire safety visit?
You can book a home fire safety visit directly on the Scottish Fire and Rescue website.