Online Buddies
Getting online has never been more important. The internet can help you find work, gain qualifications, cut your energy and shopping bills, and use your online account.
Going online is simpler than you think. Our Online Buddies – in partnership with West Lothian Council – are here to help.
If you live in West Lothian and you’ve never been online, sign up for one of our buddy sessions. It’s free. We can show you how to:
- send and receive emails
- search and apply for jobs
- keep in touch with friends online
- search for information online
- use a computer, laptop, tablet or a smartphone.
Call us on 0141 274 6369 to arrange a suitable time and place to meet with an Online Buddy.
You can also get online for free at libraries run by West Lothian Council.
All libraries offer free access to computers, with sessions bookable in one hour slots. You can book by phone, email, online or in person up to a week in advance.